As I went on my walk today, I started to think about how quickly things can change and how quickly my feelings can change. Two days ago, I walked the same sidewalks and turned the same corners. Two days ago, I saw beauty and my spirits were lifted. Two days ago, I was able to get out of my head and could enjoy the sensory wonders around me. That didn’t happen today, even though I tried.

Instead, I started thinking about the word “wonder.” Here’s what the dictionary says:

My sense of wonder two days ago was very different from the wonderings of today. The world is full of wonders. But today, those wonders are clouded by my wondering.

Like everyone, I’m wondering, “How long?”

“How can I help?”

“Are the families of my students okay?”

“Is my daughter safe in Utah where there was an earthquake today?” (5.7!)

“What if. . .”

And “what if. . .”

When wonder becomes worry, it’s time to just stop.




3 thoughts on “Wonders and Worries

  1. My husband and I were just talking about what we were planning LAST Wednesday and how much the world has changed since then! None of our plans panned out. Breathe. Trust. Love. Words to live by.

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I try to keep my wonders away from the worry zone, but they don’t always cooperate. Someone sent me this quote today, “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” ~ John Wooden Doing something always seems to keep my worries at bay.

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