This is a day to be gentle.
This is a day to be quiet.
This is a day to process.

3/23/2020 at 2:00 p.m. Governor Northam announced we would not go back to school this year.

This is a day to try to understand.
This is a day to surrender for a time.
This is a day to balance sadness with gratitude.

May we be well.

6 thoughts on “A Day to…

  1. What a beautiful slice. And the way that you ask us to visually balance your own declarations about the day with that of the governor’s declaration right in the middle – it just brings home that need for us to balance so very much in our lives right now.

    Thank you. =)

  2. Oh, wow. I’m waiting for this to happen in California. So much to process and digest. I love the succinct way write about it. There’s a lightness and a heaviness to it all at once. Thank you for this post.

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