Ten things I hope to do by writing every day in March:

  • renew “digital” friendships
  • write a poem or two
  • slow the pace of life enough to access my stories
  • respond to others’ writing in helpful ways
  • try a new format
  • work on craft
  • notice the little things
  • find joy in the moments shared
  • love having written
  • quiet the inner censor

I’m reading a book I stumbled upon somewhere (maybe here!) called If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland. It was written in 1938–so full of inspiration! Here’s a favorite quote so far:

I tell you all these things to show you that working is not grinding but a wonderful thing to do; that creative power is in all of you if you give it just a little time; if you believe in it a little bit and watch it come quietly into you; if you do not keep it out by always hurrying and feeling guilty in those times when you should be lazy and happy. Of if you do not keep the creative power away by telling yourself that worst of lies–that you haven’t any. (Ueland, p. 41)

4 thoughts on “March 1, 2018

  1. I love the image of inspiration coming quietly into me. What a great line! Looking forward to getting back to this writing thing myself. Thanks for the slice!

  2. I love the goal setting, but most of all, your finding inspiration in Brenda Ueland. That’s the perfect quote, thank you for giving her words to us. I’m keeping her in my purse for the duration of March! (yes, I have the same book, I own 2 copies!)

    Thank you!

  3. Writing really does “slow the pace of life” and allows us to stop and see! Love the quote. Looking forward to reading you daily…though may be the next day as I’m heading to bed before the late night posters!!

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